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  • Writer's pictureMia Perez

DIRECT Cape Town Session 1 Conquered: Memories That Will Last A Lifetime

Updated: May 30

By Mia Perez, Public Relations Intern 2024

To say students had a blast would be an understatement. From the thrill of checking things off your bucket list, to meeting new best friends, DIRECT Cape Town Session 1 students truly took advantage of every experience that came their way.

Within just the first day of arrival, our students got to see some pretty exciting things: Signal Hill, District Six Market and Camps Bay - where they witnessed a proposal! Love was truly in the air. Not just for the happy couple, but for the new city that students would call home for the following weeks.

Elle Moore, a 3rd year at The University of Alabama, felt that connection instantly. "On this trip I truly feel that I have discovered my people, my place and my purpose! Through this experience I have met incredible people from all over the country who have the same drive for adventure and acceptance that I do! We already have plans to visit each other's different colleges this upcoming school year."

We prioritize prioritizes immersing students not only into different cultures and places, but also into a new community of friends like Elle found in Cape Town. They say home is where the heart is, and whether that's in South Africa, Europe or Central America, we have you covered!

In just 10 days, our students were actively breaking through boundaries. From zip-lining, to surfing, to tandem skydiving - it was no surprise to hear that students were facing fears and stepping outside of their comfort zones. Kate Halsell, a 3rd year student at Auburn University gave special advice to future travelers, "Do things that scare you! From bungee jumping to shark cage diving, there’s multiple opportunities on the trip to challenge yourself and on the other end of those activities is where you grow the most."

Our traveler Bonnie Sherwood, a 2nd year student at the University of South Carolina, brought us to tears as she reflected on her time in Cape Town, "I've jumped off a bridge, had late night bus talks, climbed one of the 7 natural wonders of the world, all with people who were strangers less than a month ago. LeadAbroad has connected me with people who have changed my perspective, grown my values and inspired me. So for the next round of travelers, I hope you go up to that person in the airport, sit by someone new at meetings and welcome those around you on your adventures."

There is no doubt Cape Town has been filled with some serious adventure, but it has also provided students with so much more than that. Having an immersive African dinner allowed students to get to know each other, the staff, and the culture of the incredible place they have the opportunity to explore. Emma Seaglund, a 3rd year at Louisiana State University, found the cultural immersion of the trip to be her favorite saying, "By going on DIRECT Cape Town I have been able to go on amazing adventures, build new connections with other students from different universities - and expanded my knowledge of myself and the South African culture. With this in mind, I feel like this has helped me grow as a young adult and benefit the future I am working to grow." If that doesn't sound like the perfect trip, I don't know what does!

Students listened to guest speakers from the Amy Biehl Foundation, understanding more about unity and what the foundation does. For others, the amazing acts of service done to help the local community is what makes their experience even more special. Taylor Simons, a 3rd year at Texas A&M University, found her true passion with us: "After traveling with LeadAbroad for two summers and participating in service I realized my purpose is to help and love others!" No matter what their favorite part of the program was, each and every student has walked away with their heart a little bigger, and a home away from home!

To our travelers: From LeadAbroad, we want to say thank you for trusting us with giving you the experience of a lifetime. We hope the memories created last a lifetime, and that the things learned along the way, grew you in ways you didn't know were possible. Until next time!


DIRECT Cape Town Session 1 2024 Final Video


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DIRECT Cape Town Session 1 Student TikTok's


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